The Book in a Blink Story
There is No Friend as Loyal as a Book - Ernest Hemingway
Since I was young books were always my faithful companions. No matter where I went or what I did, I would always have a book with me. Reading is like being in another world where I can let my imagination run wild and at times make me forget about my own worldly problems. I used to read a lot of fiction books, mainly action, fantasy, sci-fi, and romance genres. However, nowadays my book preference has changed to mainly non-fiction and the more I read, the more I am learning and gaining insights in many different areas. I decided to create “Book in a Blink” to capture these insights and share them with others. Here once a fortnight you will find short insights from books that I have recently read or re-read, mostly non-fiction books, however from time to time I might throw in a review of a fiction book worth reading. I hope this blog can inspire you to pick up these books and discover new knowledge. Learning is a never-ending process in life!
I am proud to call myself an Australian, it is now where I call home after migrating from Indonesia in 2004. After graduating from university, I found my first nine-to-five job as an engineer and I spend my workdays designing how to convert raw oil and gas into saleable products. Outside of this highly technical and nerdy job, I spend my free time reading (obviously!), playing piano, and traveling.
Hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to drop a message or comment on my posts, I would love to hear from you.
Reading is part of learning ; Learning is unlimited